
Ankeny City Council has approved its 2021-2025 Capital Improvement Program, which outlines the timing and costs of city projects including an extension of the High Trestle Trail andanew fire station.

The five-year plan lists nearly $150 million in projects, with property taxes expected to cover about 33%. Other funding sources include municipal utilities revenues, grants and more.

For 2021, the program identifies 50 possible projects for the city, totaling $38.8 million.


High Trestle Trail extension with overpass on Oralabor Road

The capital improvement plan also includes phase two for an existing expansion project of the High Trestle Trail in Ankeny.

In 2020, the city extended the trail from Ordinance Road southeast to Magazine Road, including a tunnelunder Highway 69.

Phase two would cost $2.7 million andincludes extending the trail an additional 1.65 miles from Southeast Magazine Road to the Gay Lea Wilson Trail, which includes constructingan overpass over Southeast Oralabor Road.

The overpass will be up for bid this spring, and, pending the results, construction would begin in 2021 and be completed in 2022.





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