
  • Annie Mehl
  • Fri November 13 2020
  • Posted Nov 27, 2020

Peosta residents this week got a closer look at possible future projects during a virtual presentation that mapped out where pedestrian trails, parks and a town center might one day sit.

“I think it’s a necessary way to look forward,” said City Council Member John Kraft, who tuned into RDG Planning & Design’s presentation. “I know in the past we’ve always kind of reacted to builders building what they want to build. And now, it’s kind of our turn to have a decision of what the future is going to look like, and we can help mold what potential different areas might look like in the future.”

Dozens of residents watched the presentation during which RDG officials discussed the elements thus far for the city’s comprehensive parks and trails plan.

“The priority is connections, that being both street and pedestrian connections around the community, and the idea of this central gathering place around the town center and what that identity should be and where it should be in the future,” said Charlie Cowell, a RDG project manager.

A proposed location for that “central gathering place” was near the intersection of Cox Springs and Burds roads.


In a recent survey created by RDG, 79% of residents said they would like a greenway trail, 69% of people said they like the idea of a splash pad and 67% said they like the idea of a nature trail.







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