
One worries about the future of mankind when seeing a cyclist wearing a mask to protect against viral transmission but not a helmet to protect against a head injury

A thistle to the many people not wearing helmets while riding bicycles in central Iowa.And a jab to parents not making children wear them.

It’s certainly heartening to see so many people on two wheels this summer. While the novel coronavirus has meant gym closures, canceledfitness classes and cabin fever, bicycling allows Iowans to be outdoors and active while physically distancing from others.

It seems anyone with an old Schwinn tucked in the garage has dusted it off and hit the road. Bike sales and rentals are up.
That’s all great.

But the lack of helmets on so many riders is stunning. Particularly baffling are the cyclists on recreational trailswearing masks to protect against transmission of the virus but not wearing helmets to protect against a head injury. Even a minor fall at a slow speed can land your noggin on the concrete and result in a debilitating injury.

Helmets reduce the risk of head and brain injuries in a crash,according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.“All bicyclists, regardless of age, can help protect themselves by wearing properly fitted bicycle helmets every time they ride.”

Put on a helmet. Protect your head. The local emergency room doctors have enough to do right now.








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