
  • Mon March 16 2020
  • Posted Mar 16, 2020
This is what we sent to all Event Coordinators regarding canceling, delaying or postponing events during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sent March 16th 11:00am CST

If you are on this list, it means you have an event posted on BIKEIOWA with a start date between March 16th and June 30th 2020.

The potential to spread COVID-19 is real. It is still early in the cycling season and we want everyone to stay health and safe. You don't want to be "that event" that helped to spread the virus.

We want our followers to be as informed as possible. We appreciate those who have already updated, canceled, postponed or delayed their events. If you don't know yet... Still go in an edit your event as add some verbiage that you are monitoring the situation and will make decisions as the date gets closer...

How does BIKEIOWA handle cancellations, and delays?
  • We do NOT delete or remove events - folks may be planning to attend your event and there is nothing worse than having an event just disappear from the calendar.
  • We recommend editing your events and performing the following:
  • Adding **CANCELED**, **DELAYED**, or **POSTPONED** to your Event name for viewers to easily identify these types of events from the event list.
  • Add a blurb to state why the event is canceled, delayed or postponed.
  • If registration funds were collected, explain how you will deal with these
  • We do NOT recommend changing your event's dates to a future date. If you know a new date, CLONE your existing event. This way the old event stays on the calendar with the original date that can be found easily.

How can I view MY events?

You can view YOUR event from the BIKEIOWA Calendar and typing your UserName in the search or in your "MY BIKEIOWA" Dashboard:

If you have ANY questions, please let us know. We will keep an eye on the calendar and use our social media feeds to alert our followers when events get canceled, delayed or postponed.

Thanks for what you do to help promote cycling and for being diligent in this unique world-wide pandemic. We hope you still find time to ride!


Thanks for using BikeIowa!!
Scott Sumpter
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