
  • Sun January 02 2005
  • Posted Jan 2, 2005
A public hearing has been scheduled in Ogden concerning proposals to hardsurface P70 to Don Williams, and to possibly add a recreational trail alongside it. TIME, DATE, AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING - The public hearing will be held at 6:30 p.m. on the 10th day of January, 2005, at the Leonard Good Community Center, 114 SW 8th St., Ogden, Iowa 50212. NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER PROPOSED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE OVERLAY ON H. AVE (CO.RD P-70), FROM 210TH ST. AT THE NCL OF THE TOWN OF OGDEN, NORTH 7.9 MI. TO NEAR 130TH ST. (CO. RD. E-18) AND FUTURE PEDESTRIAN/BIKE TRAIL FROM 210TH ST. AT THE NCL OF THE TOWN OF OGDEN, NORTH 4.8 MILES TO DON WILLIAMS LAKE Under the provisions of Section 6B.2A of the Code of Iowa, a governmental body which proposes to acquire property under power of eminent domain for a public improvement project is required to give notice of intent of a proposed public improvement project to all property owners and contract purchasers, whose property or parts thereof, or interest therein, proposed to be acquired for the project, which may be subject to condemnation. 1. NOTICE OF PROPOSED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT - Notice is hereby given that Boone County, Iowa (the Acquiring Authority) will consider giving approval to fund the site specific design, the selection of the proposed site location for this public improvement, and to authorize the completion of this public improvement. The Acquiring Authority proposes to, but has not yet given final approval to open negotiations to acquire the property, easement(s), or other rights in real property necessary to construct this public improvement, or to institute condemnation proceedings, if necessary to do so. The right of condemnation applies to the roadway project only. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE GENERAL NATURE OF THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT - The proposed public improvement projects are as shown on a project plan prepared by Boone County, Iowa, and consist of the placement of an 8 inch x 22 foot wide P.C.C. Slab and associated road grading for said project and placement of an 8 foot wide hard surfaced pedestrian/bike trail and associated grading along the east side of the road right-of-way from Ogden north to Don Williams Lake. 3. INTENDED USE OF PRIVATE PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED - A. The proposed location of the above-described public improvement is shown on the attached project plan. B. If the Acquiring Authority undertakes to construct the above-described project, it will be necessary to acquire land for roadway and trail purposes by permanent easement. It may be necessary for the county to proceed to institute condemnation to acquire the property rights needed to construct and maintain the public roadway. 4. ACTION REQUIRED TO PROCEED WITH THE PROJECT: OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC INPUT - In order to proceed with the above-described project and complete the acquisition of property and property rights needed for the project, the Acquiring Authority will hold a public hearing to consider giving final approval to fund the site specific design for the public improvements, to make a final selection of the site location for the public improvements, to proceed with the construction of the project, and to authorize acquisition of private property rights needed for the project by condemnation proceedings, if necessary, for the road project, on the 10th day of January, 2005. You may appear in person at the public hearing and provide input into this process. You may also contact the Acquiring Authority in writing not later than 4:00 p.m. the 10th day of January, 2005. You may contact Mr. David T. Anthoney, Boone County Engineer, Boone County Courthouse, 201 State Street, Boone, Iowa, 50036 and phone (515) 433-0530 for information regarding the public improvement. The Project Plan and Statement of the Rights of Individual Property Owners are on file and available for review at the Boone County Engineer's Office, Boone County Courthouse. Published in The Ogden Reporter, Ogden, Iowa, Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2004

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