
Despite below-freezing temperatures many Iowans can still be found biking to and from work and school.

While cruising through the winter months, there are certain precautions riders should take to stay safe from the elements and uncertain road conditions.

"The tires are actually really important," said University of Iowa Assistant Professor and avid cyclist, Steven Spears, "One thing is the fenders, so these really long fenders help keep the splash off of you and the bike."

No matter the weather you can catch Spears, an assistant professor in the School of Urban & Regional Planning commuting to work on two wheels.

"I've been bike commuting for about 20 years. So I ride about 5000 miles a year."

Spears says bike lanes tend to be plowed last. That's why he recommends riding where you feel the safest and have the best visibility of the road. In many cases, that could mean the traffic lanes.

"You can buy tires that actually have studs on them even that work really well in icy conditions which is probably the most dangerous condition you can face in the winter," said Spears.






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