
  • Joe Sutter
  • Wed April 10 2019
  • Posted Apr 15, 2019
‘Trails are a wanted necessity in communities’

More trails are on their way to Fort Dodge and Webster County, if local officials can get the funding.

The city and county are now seeking a federal grant to complete two trail projects — paving the gravel trail around Badger Lake in John F. Kennedy Memorial Park, and adding a new trail to connect the Snell-Crawford bike trail to the trail that goes from Fort Dodge to Kennedy Park along North 15th Street.

“Trails are a wanted necessity in communities,” said Webster County Conservation Director Matt Cosgrove. “They’re attractive to employees and HR people, they’re also good for our health, but they’re expensive. That’s why we try to find these grant dollars, to leverage a small amount of local investment to get those state and federal grants.”

Webster County and the city of Fort Dodge will each commit $150,000 toward the project, he said.





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