
  • Andy Davis
  • Wed January 25 2017
  • Posted Jan 29, 2017

Have ideas about how Iowa City could better serve cyclists? The city wants to hear from you.

On Thursday, community members will have an opportunity to talk about citywide biking conditions and offer advice about how the city can improve. The feedback will guide city staff in creating the Iowa City Bicycle Master Plan, an early step in achieving the Iowa City Council's strategic plan goal to make the city more bicycle friendly.

City staff and elected officials will use the plan as a guide to identify opportunities for on- and off-street biking features, according to a city news release, like trails, greenways, bike boulevards and bike lanes.

The goal, the release said, is to connect the biking features "to create a complete bicycle network that supports safe and comfortable bicycle travel and connects people to the places they want to go." The plan also will suggest educational programs, events and activities geared toward safe cycling and driving.







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