
  • B.A. Morelli
  • Tue November 29 2016
  • Posted Nov 29, 2016

Academy includes free clinics, bike skills rides, and corporate workshops

After flipping over the closed sign at World of Bikes, Andrea Cohen cracks a beer and waits for her students to arrive.

A white Trek bicycle sits by a work bench, with a fresh tube, hand pump, tire levers and a CO2 cartridge. Cohen works days at the bike shop, which lets her use the space after-hours for free clinics covering bike maintenance basics such as this evening in early November.

“Tonight, we are going to go over fixing a flat tire,” Cohen tells her class of women who are nearly all 60 years old or older.

The clinics are part of a broader new program called the Iowa City Bike Academy, which aims to educate people and get them more comfortable on bikes as more people turn to cycling for exercise or commuting. The free program includes clinics, group rides covering biking skills, and information located under the “events” tab at

Iowa City Bike Academy also provides updates on its Facebook page.







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