BIKEIOWA just sent an emalil to 1,164 BIKEIOWA members who reside in Polk County.
PLEASE send an email of support for Urbandale to embrace a Complete Streets Policy.
The Urbandale City COuncil Meeting is this TUESDAY, June 7th. Please send you email TODAY!
RE: Urbandale Complete Streets Policy
Thanks for being a member of the Community.
We rarely reach out asking for help, but this is one of those times that
we need some assistance in specific counties.
Per your BIKEIOWA profile,
you are one of 1,164 members who reside in Polk County. There are also 114 of you who reside in Urbandale.
Attached is the proposed 2 page Urbandale Complete Streets Policy that
will be discussed during the Urbandale City Council Meeting on June 7th.
send and email to the following Urbandale City Council members stating
how important it is for Urbandale to adopt a Complete Streets Policy.
Des Moines and West Des Moines both have adopted Complete Streets
Policies and it only makes sense for the rest of the suburbs to embrace
similar policies to make the metro a livable community for generations
to come. A Complete Streets Policy is much more than bike lanes and
traffic signals. The streets are for everyone whether young or old,
motorist or bicyclist, walker or wheelchair user, bus rider or
shopkeeper. But too many streets are designed only for speeding cars, or
worse, creeping traffic jams. They are unsafe for people on foot or
bike – and unpleasant for everybody.
Complete streets contribute many benefits to the surrounding community:
- Wide, attractive sidewalks and well-defined bike routes, where
appropriate to community context, encourage healthy and active
lifestyles among residents of all ages.
- Complete streets can provide children with opportunities to reach nearby destinations in a safe and supportive environment.
- A variety of transportation options allow everyone – particularly
people with disabilities and older adults – to get out and stay
connected to the community.
- Multi-modal transportation networks help communities provide alternatives to sitting in traffic.
- A better integration of land use and transportation through a
Complete Streets process creates an attractive combination of buildings –
houses, offices, shops – and street designs.
- Designing a street with pedestrians in mind – sidewalks, raised
medians, better bus stop placement, traffic-calming measures, and
treatments for travelers with disabilities – may reduce pedestrian risk
by as much as 28 percent.
- A livable community is one that preserves resources for the next
generation: Complete Streets help reduce carbon emissions and are an
important part of a climate change strategy.
More great facts about Livable Communities here: