
  • Mon May 09 2016
  • Posted May 9, 2016

Hello Raccoon River Valley Trail enthusiasts,

Waukee needs our help in obtaining a grant which would enable construction to start on the Waukee Trailhead Art project. This significant enhancement of the RRVT would be a huge step towards making our trail an attractive destination. All of our communities along the trail will benefit from these projects that enhance our trail. Please join me on Wednesday morningatFarmers & Merchants State Bank in Winterset at 11:00 AMin support of the Waukee Trailhead Art project.

Only 10 minutes

"You can do us a huge favorin 10 minutesof time! On Wednesday May 11thwe make our first presentation to the Vision Iowa Board for a Community Attractions & Tourism (CAT) grant. This will be at the Farmers & Merchants State Bank in Winterset (MAP) at 11:00 AM with a very strict 10 minute time limit.

As you may know, Prairie Meadows awarded $150,000 which leaves about $130,000 to go before construction can start. The CAT grant would get us there. Their board is made up of people from all over the State, and thus is difficult to lobby in the manner we did for Prairie Meadows. That is why I am asking for your help. If you can come to Winterset for 10 minutesnext Wednesday, you will get a colorful “I Support Waukee Trailhead Art” T-Shirt to take home.

This would be the final dollars needed to get the Waukee project built!

Bring your friends and neighbors! The more people, the bigger the impression.

Jim Miller
Board Member
Raccoon River Valley Trail Association




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