
  • Mon February 29 2016
  • Posted Mar 1, 2016

Press release submitted by Quad Cities Convention & Visitors Bureau

Quad Cities now American Discovery Trail headquarters with unique agreement between trail, visitors bureau

The Quad Cities is now the headquarters of the American Discovery Trail as a result of a management agreement between the American Discovery Trail (ADT) Society and the Quad Cities Convention and Visitors Bureau. The memo of understanding outlines membership, financial and marketing services the Quad Cities CVB and its staff will provide the trail organization. Training and transition of operations are yet to be fully completed but full transition is expected shortly.

“The American Discovery Trail Society is pleased to partner with the Quad Cities Convention and Visitors Bureau in an innovative, cutting-edge approach to manage and market both trails and destinations,” said ADT Chair Eric Seaborg who resides in the Washington DC area. “Our board of directors held its annual meeting in the Quad Cities in 2013 and we were immediately taken by the community’s enthusiasm for trails and its hospitality for trail users. The Quad Cities visitors bureau’s deep understanding that trails are not just recreation but drivers of economic impact and community development is exceptional.”

ADT is a 6 ,800 mile trail running from California to Delaware, with a northerly route through Iowa and Illinois. The trails comes into Scott County from the west, follows the Quad Cities riverfront trails and continues east through Rock Island and Henry Counties along the Hennepin Canal. ADT has a membership of about 1,400 from across the nation.







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