
MUSCATINE, Iowa —The winter months find most of Iowa's avid bicyclists longingly looking at their two-wheeled friends, recalling pleasant rides of six months ago and looking forward to the day when the snow and ice are gone and the temperature is warm enough to ride again.

Members of the Melon City Bike Club will do a lot of reminiscing and planning when they meet for their annual meeting next Tuesday night at Port City Underground in downtown Muscatine.

Greg Harper of Harper's Cycling and Fitness said all current and prospective club members are welcome to attend. There will be pizza to eat and soft drinks to down, and undoubtedly some adult beverages will be quaffed. And after food, drink, and visiting, there will be business to attend to.

"We talk about last year's projects and projects for the coming year," Harper said. "Like most clubs, we set a budget. And we elect officers. We'll discuss preparations for the 38th annual Melon City Criterium, which will be Sunday, May 29th in Weed Park."

Club participation in RAGBRAI, or the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, is always a hot topic. Harper says it will be even more so Tuesday night because the route and overnight cities for this summer's RAGBRAI will be announced at 9 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 23, in Des Moines.








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