
Do you have an old bicycle, lawn mower or snow blower you no longer use?

If you do, look no further than the Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency to help you find a good use for them.

The DMASWA partnered with many other agencies to refurbish and recycle old bicycles, snow blowers and lawn mowers.

These items may be dropped off, at no charge, at the DMASWA Landfill between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

The DMASWA continuously identifies ways to reduce waste generation, options for reuse and/or find markets to recycle items to reduce the amount of material buried in the landfill.

Through the Agency's environmental management system, staff identified bicycles and small engines as a potential reuse program with an added educational benefit for local students.

The Dubuque Rescue Mission will rebuild the bicycles for use by their residents.

By having a bicycle, these residents can improve their lives.

Local students will take apart the snow blowers and lawn mowers to determine why they are not working and learn how to repair them.

This will provide them with the knowledge to fill a vital service for extending the life of these items while providing real world experience for a career or hobby.

For more information on how to participate in the DMASWA's bicycle and small engine recycling program and other diversion opportunities, go towww.dmaswa.orgor call 563-557-8220.







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