
  • Wed May 07 2014
  • Posted May 7, 2014

Local Iowa City-area bicyclists of all ages and experience are gearing up for Bike to Work Week 2014, held this year from May 10-16.Johnson County, the cities of Coralville, Iowa City, and University Heights, as well as local businesses and organizations are hosting events to encourage residents to park their cars and enjoy our towns on two wheels. For more information about events and resources to plan your ride, visit

Saturday May 10:

Start Bike to Work Week early at the Spring Garage Sale, 10 am – 1 pm, sponsored by Iowa City Bike Library, 408 College St. Sweet deals on bikes, frames, parts and Bike Library merchandise!

Monday, May 12:

Bike Commuter Breakfast, sponsored by Thirtieth Century Bicycles, 312 E Prentiss St., 7:30-10 am.

Bike/Bus/Car Race, sponsored by theMPO of Johnson County, Johnson County supervisor John Etheredge will drive his car, Iowa City Councilor Jim Throgmorton will ride the bus, and State Senator Joe Bolkcom will race from the Coralville Public Library and race to the Iowa City Public Library. Meet at 11:33 am. Contact Kris Ackerson at (319) 356-5247 for details.

Tuesday, May 13:

Bike Commuter Breakfast, 7-9 am, sponsored by Johnson County. Located at Johnson County Administration Building, 913 S Dubuque St., Iowa City (rain location at parking ramp north of Health and Human Service Building, 855 S. Dubuque St.)

Bike Commuter Lunch, 11 am-1 pm at The Broken Spoke, 602 S Dubuque S., sponsored byGriddle Me This! andThe Broken Spoke. A fantastic free lunch will reward bicyclists for commuting on two wheels!

Two Wheels, Fifty Years Ago, Thirtieth Century Bicycles, 312 E. Prentiss St., 7-9 pm., sponsored by Thirtieth Century Bicycles and Think Bicycles Coalition of Johnson County. By day, Gary Frost is a mild-mannered book conservator and educator, yet more than 50 years ago he undertook two solo bicycle trips, to California and in Alaska at a time when there were very few other traveling cyclists. Come hear the adventures of a master storyteller.

Wednesday, May 14:

Bike Commuter Breakfast, 6:15-9 am, sponsored by theCity of University Heights andGeoff’s Bike and Ski. Located at/near City Office, 1004 Melrose Ave. – look for Geoff’s Bike and Ski tent.

Old Pi to New Pi Family Ride, sponsored by New Pioneer Coop, meet at 5:30 pm at Chauncey Swan Park in Iowa City where Iowa City Councilor Susan Mims will send off the group and Coralville Mayor John Lundell will welcome riders to New Pioneer Co-op in Coralville. Live music, food, and the new Beauties & Beaters Contest (for prettiest and least pretty bikes). Ride together from Chauncey Swan Park to Dubuque St (via Linn, Burlington and Clinton Sts.) to Park Rd., through City Park, Rocky Shore Drive, Highway 6, First Ave, Fifth Street to New Pi.

Life on a Bike Website Launch , 8 pm, Brownell Board Room, Adler Journalism Building, University of Iowa. A panel of experts discuss new website about bicycle culture in Iowa and beyond. Life on a Bike was created by UI journalism students in an applied media and social media class.

Thursday, May 15:

Rain date for Old Pi to New Pi Ride – see details above

Friday, May 16:
Bike Commuter Breakfast, 7-9 am at World of Bikes, 723 S. Gilbert St., sponsored by World of Bikes and Think Bicycles Coalition of Johnson County. Featuring homemade breakfast burritos! Donations accepted for the Youth Off Road Riders.

Friday Night Meet-up, 5 pm – on Trumpet Blossom Cafe, 310 E. Prentiss St. Let’s close the books on another great Bike to Work Week at one of our favorite bike-friendly restaurants. If the weather’s good we’ll sit outside on the patio.





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