
Students with bicycles will soon have an on-campusoption for maintenance and advice besides taking their bikes to mechanics in Ames.

Outdoor Recreational Services will be offering minor bicycle repairs and tune-ups from 3 to 6 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays at State Gym, starting soon.

“We’re still getting the infrastructure set up,” said Chris Hendricks, coordinator for the Outdoor Recreational Program. “Hopefully, [the service] will be available sometime next week.”

The services offered will include free safety inspections, which include seat and handle adjustments, along with minor repairs and tune-ups.

Flat tire replacements will be offered for $10, bike and gear adjustments for $7 and individual appointments with student mechanics will be available for $14 per hour.

“The idea is providing minor repairs to students on campus,” Hendricks said. “We offer free brake maintenance on Sustainability Day. … We saw the need for on-campus repairs. If [students] need help, they have to find a car or load their bikes onto the CyRide to get to a repair shop. [With this service] minor repairs can be done, and if more extensive work is needed, they can ride to another repair shop.”

Safety inspections, tire replacements and brake and gear adjustments will be offered to walk-ins during service hours. Complimentary chain lube and tire inflation will also be offered with adjustments, according to the Outdoor Recreation Services' website.








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