
  • Wed September 26 2012
  • Posted Sep 26, 2012
Some of the IMBCS categories and classes are comeing down to the wire at the Mullet Fall Classic at Lake Ahquabi for the IMBCS! That sets up a perfect season ending IMBCS event at Lake Ahquabi.

Who wouldn't want to see a battle between Neal Groteluschen, TJ Fort, and Eric Wehr for top boss in the Comp Class?

Who wouldn't want to see Karmen Woelber and Katherine Roccasecca duke it out for top Female in the CAT 2 Women? Hell, can we even pronounce their last names properly? I can - courtesy of being fluent in German and Italian as an opera singer. ;-) Those double consonants in Katherine's name are fun to pronounce! And Karmen's name is fun to pronounce after a tall German Oktoberfest beer!

Who wouldn't want to cheer for Bryce Gilbert, Kevin Betters and Jeff Gibson as they duel each other for free entry fees next year to all of the IMBCS events?
What's that? A $250 value? Yup! All the best to you guys!!!

Or how about the "on your left" crew of Cam Kirkpatrick, Brad Auen, Ryan Van Houweling, and Kevin McConnell as they fly at top speed for maximum points to grab top honors?

Forget that - let's cheer on Iowa's finest and proudest mountain biking ladies in the CAT 1 group of Evie, Julie, Kim, Brittany, Robin, Cheryl, Lisa, Darcy, Kim, etc... for what they are doing not only here in Iowa, but also in several states with their excellent riding - be it XC or Endurance racing. Not only are they all awesome, but they are representing our state with aplomb!


Let's quickly review The Mullet Fall Classic checklist for Sunday, October 7th:

Beer Garden. Check

Open Grill with plenty of post-race protein filling the air with mouth watering temptation. Check

Potluck of Iowa's finest. Check

The Highest Tech Timing available with back of the number plate disposable transponders (first time in Iowa for mountain biking ever that I can recall). Check

Super fast, friendly and fun course with enough climbing to test all categories present. Check

IMBCS season winners up for grabs in many categories and age divisions. Check

Cash prizes for CAT 1 men and women as well as Marathon men and women. Check

Cool medals custom designed for The Mullet for the top 3 spots in 17 classes. Check

Wild and wacky Mullet T-shirts for all those who register online. Check

Are you in? If so - register HERE.

Bruce Brown (Lake Ahquabi race host)

  • Author: ss
  • Posted By: ss
  • Modified: Sep 26, 2012 by ss





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