
  • Thu August 30 2012
  • Posted Aug 30, 2012
Every year Madrid has one of the biggest Labor Day Celebrations in the world, and this year is no different. With the addition of the High Trestle Trail many bikers have jumped off the trail and headed up town Madrid to see what all the commotion is about. The festivities start Friday at 5pm in the Loco Salon and end Monday with the Lions Club Chicken BBQ. Check out all the events here.

Here are the can't miss events!

Dwolla Bike Up - Saturday Sept 1st

Dwolla bike jersey's are in, bars along the HTT have jumped on the bandwagon and are accepting Dwolla and now it's time to party! Ride starts at Number 7 Brewery in Ankeny at 10am with dollar off if you pay with Dwolla. The ride will head out around 11:30 and head to Nite Hawk in Slater. Around 1:45 the group will head to the world famous Flat Tire Lounge for $1 PBR's if you pay with Dwolla and pictures with the biggest mascot this side of the Mississippi, Dwolla Kwolla. Riders can finish up with a trip across the High Trestle Bridge and over to the newly opened Whislin Donkey.

Full Moon Ride - Saturday Sept 1st

This monthly event has really grown this year and this weekend could be the biggest event yet. Hosted by the Des Moines Bike Collective, riders will start to venture out to the bridge after 8pm and continue all night. Don't forget your lights and helmet!!

Madrid Car Show - Sunday Sept 2nd

This is the 31st Annual Labor Day Car Show. They average about 325 cars in 46 differenet classes. A typical year brings in more than 2,000 people just for this event. Registration is from 8am to 11am, judging 12:00 to 3:00 and awards at 3:30. Will have a DJ playing music.

Flat Tire in Masons Dunk Tank - Sunday Sept 2nd 4:00pm to 10:00pm

Every year the Masons Star Lodge #115 works a dunk tank uptown to raise money for their scholarship fund. This will be the 2nd that Flat Tire Lounge owners and employees will be sitting in the tank heckling all the walk by. Dave Cook will also be up spinning tunes and providing a microphone for some top notch heckling.

Parade - Monday Sept 3rd 10:00am

Come up and watch the parade or bring your bike and ride with Flat Tire Lounge. We'll meet at Flat Tire around 9ish and head up to get in line around 9:30.

Madrid Lions Club Chicken BBQ - Monday Sept 3rd 11:00am

After watching or participating in the parade you'll be ready for the grand finale of the celebration. Head out to Edgewood Park for the famous Chicken dinner. You won't leave hungry!
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