
  • Mark Wyatt
  • Mon August 27 2012
  • Posted Aug 27, 2012
The City of Grimes is about to hold the second reading of the uniform
bicycle ordinance on Tuesday, August 28th, at 5:30 PM. They are adding a section
that says:

“B. Whenever a useable path for bicycles has been provided adjacent to
a roadway, bicycle riders shall use such path and shall not use the
roadway, whenever posted.” You can read the whole proposal at

Grimes has a GREAT TRAIL, but this is a bad law. The Iowa Code
plainly states bicyclists have ALL the rights and duties of the
operators of vehicles [321.234]. The code also says local authorities
cannot make a law that conflicts with 321.234 [321.236]. Plainly, if
a motor vehicle has a right to operate on a road (except Interstates
with minimum speeds), a bicycle can operate on the road.

We understand this is a great trail and cyclists naturally want to use
the trail. There might be a lot of reasons a cyclists might find it
safer to use the roadway - for both the cyclist and the other trail
users. Imagine being a cyclist from out of town or out of state
trying to figure this out as the rules change from community to
community. This is why the state code doesn't allow conflict with

We need cyclists in the Grimes area to go to the council meeting at
5:30 PM on Tuesday. Let them know that you appreciate the trail, but
that is no reason to pass a bad law restricting cycling on the roads.

Best rides,

Mark Wyatt
Iowa Bicycle Coalition
P.O. Box 5562
913 2nd Street
Coralville, IA 52241
515-309-2867 office 319-936-4948 cell







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