
  • Wed May 11 2011
  • Posted May 11, 2011
by Exceptional Specialty Product's called Strut your Stuff!! You probably already heard about it… you might have even been there yourself!The High Trestle Trail Ride! The much anticipated, highly talked about day finally got here. With cold temps and rain leading up to the morning of the ride, it was pretty iffy on what the attendance would be and if the ride would even be tolerable. To everyone’s delight and amazement, the day couldn’t have been any better for the ride (hosting aprox 5000 people) that started in Ankeny and went all the way to Woodward. The star of the show of course was The High Trestle Bridge, hovering thirteen stories high and stretching half a mile long, making it one of the worlds largest of its kind! The architects who designed the bridge's artwork definitely deserve an award! With 41 giant, rusty beams framing the pathway, you’re given the feeling of riding your bike through the ‘tunnel’ of a coal mine shaft. After riding it myself, I can attest to that fact! It was very cool! READ THE REST and check out the photos.

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  • Modified: May 22, 2012 by ss








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