
  • Tue March 16 2010
  • Posted Mar 16, 2010
via Iowa Bike Messenger send by Iowa Bicycle Coalition The 2010 National Bike Summit has concluded and the Iowa delegation has returned with more success than ever before. Attendees from Iowa included Karl Moscrip, owner of Hall Bicycle in Cedar Rapids, Tyler and Melinda Bickel, owners of Bickel's Bicycle and Fitness in West Burlington, and Mark Wyatt, executive director of the Iowa Bicycle Coalition from Iowa City. This year's National Bike Summit was the largest ever. The Iowa delegates joined 730 attendees from all 50 states in Washington DC for seminars and meetings with congressional officials. Seminars focused on expanding advocacy at state and local levels. Experts were on hand to talk about distracted driving, youth mountain bike leagues, and safe routes to school. Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) was on hand to inspire delegates and talk about successes as the delegations prepared to take Capitol Hill. House Transportation Committee Chairman Jim Oberstar (D-MN) fired everyone up before the delegates took to Capitol Hill at a breakfast reception. He spoke of moving our carbon based transportation system to a carbohydrate driven transportation system. The Iowa delegation met with the staff of three congressmen and both senators. The meetings with congressional staff were successful in each of the offices. On the senate side, bicycling seemed to get a warm welcome. Flanked by bike shop retailers, the Iowa delegation was able to meet with Senator Grassley. Grassley was interested in the conversation about replacing the flooded McFarlane Bridge near Evansdale on the Cedar Valley Nature Trail. He listened carefully about safe routes to schools and complete streets bills pending in the Senate. The Iowa delegation concluded the conference with another inspiration. Secreatary of Transportation Ray LaHood addressed the crowd at the congressional reception. He reaffirmed last years promise that bicycling has a full partner with Ray LaHood and a full partner with the US DOT. While some Iowa delegates returned immediately, some took advantage of US Capitol Tours offered by Senator Grassley. All delegates felt that the trip was important and our voice grows louder as more of us attend the National Bike Summit and more doors of congress are knocked on by more Iowa bicyclists. It seemed clear that bicyclists has the ability to influence Federal policy and funding.

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