Des Moines, IA
Please join us on Thursday, Feb 25, for the unveiling of the premier issue
and launch of Iowa Momentum Endurance Sports Magazine! Iowa Adventurer
Charlie Wittmack, cartoonist Brian Duffy and professional triathlete Nathan
White will be speaking at the unveiling!
We will be gathering in the Student Education Center (SEC) of Des Moines
University from 5:30 to 7:00p.m. with the formal presentation beginning at
6:15. Light refreshments will be served. Parking is available on the south
side of the SEC, at 3200 Grand Ave. in Des Moines.
All are welcome to join us as the celebration continues later in the evening
at El Bait Shop as SW 2nd and MLK in downtown Des Moines.
Watch for the premier issue of this free monthly magazine to hit the racks
on Thursday the 25th of February.
For advertising inquiries, contact Dee Mable 515-210-5194 or
For editorial inquiries, contact Dave Mable 515-978-1833 or
Dave Mable
Editor, Iowa Momentum Magazine