
  • Thu February 04 2010
  • Posted Feb 4, 2010
USA Cycling's Coaching Education Department is putting on a FREE webinar on Feb. 16 aimed at helping a cyclist prepare for his or her first race. Led by Kristen Dieffenbach, PhD, the webinar will focus on mountain bike cross country races and mass start road races. Whether you're a young rider or a more mature first-timer, Dr. Dieffenbach will go over logistical matters and cover some of the issues you might encounter at your first bike race (like buying a license and not forgetting your helmet.) Date: Tuesday, Feb. 16th Time: 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm (Iowa time) To register... P.S. Apparently the webinar is supposed to be recorded and made available online later as well if you can't make it on the 16th. Personally I'd recommend try to catch it live....the more response USAC can see from these type of things, the more likely they'll continue/expand on these. Mark A. Guthart Iowa City, IA

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