Who's Hot and Who's Not: U.S. Bicycle Route System Implementation
Thu January 07 2010
Posted Jan 7, 2010
- 10,656
After the recent successes in getting the U.S. Bicycle
Route System Application & instructions drafted, and the
AAHSTO Purpose and Policy Statement revised, we at
Adventure Cycling sat back and asked, "What next?"
The answer became obvious when I was contacted by Florida
DOT special projects facilitator, MaryAnne Koos about
implementing routes through Florida. I immediately
contacted Georgia's newly hired bicycle and pedestrian
coordinator, Byron Rushing, and set the first of many
regional meetings between these two states. Next week, Jim
Sayer will be participating in one of these meetings in
(Next week Jim will also be holding a series of regional
gatherings in Florida to highlight Adventure Cycling
projects and U.S. Bicycle Route developments. These events
are free and open to the public, so invite your cycling
Over the past several months, Florida and Georgia have
discussed processes, prioritized corridors, defined
potential roads within the corridors, and identified trail
connections; all things that will help lay the ground work
for other states gearing up for implementation. Through
the work of Tony Barrett of the East Coast Greenway
Alliance, Maine has made similar progress. These states
are hot on the list of potential early implementers (along
with New Hampshire, Michigan, Wisconsin, and a few others
you'll be learning about soon).
"So who else in on the hot list?" That's the question
other state bicycle and pedestrian coordinators will ask
in order to know with which neighboring state to start
Adventure Cycling sent a short survey to state department
of transportation (DOT) bicycle and pedestrian
coordinators late last summer. The questions asked how
interested state DOTs are in implementing U.S. bicycle
routes, what existing systems and processes for long
distance bicycle routes they already have in place, what
working relationships they currently have with other
agencies and non-profits, and what barriers they perceive.
We received 35 surveys back and below is a quick summary
of what states are hot, and what states are not; we're
thrilled that 32 of the 35 states are interested in some
level of implementation.
9 high interest (+2 active states that weren't able to
answer the survey): Arizona, California, Georgia,
Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico,
Tennessee, plus Florida and New Hampshire
12 medium interest: Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts,
Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota (will be contracting for
route development in 2010), Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
South Dakota, Utah, Virginia, and West Virginia
11 need to address other priorities first: Arkansas,
Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan (though
this state is now actively engaged in defining 2 U.S. Bike
Routes), New York, Oregon, Vermont, Washington, and Wyoming
3 states indicated little or no interest in
implementation: Connecticut, Montana, South Carolina
A variety of barriers were listed, but most the most
common was staffing and funding.
(I invite you to read the full 5 page
report, "Implementation Readiness: Survey of State Bicycle
and Pedestrian Coordinators".)
The barriers listed were of course no surprise to us --
state budgets have been hit hard and furloughs take affect
on capacity. That's why Adventure Cycling continues to
take an coordinating role, matching willing partners like
Michigan Trails and Greenways, Bicycle Federation of
Wisconsin, California Bicycle Coalition, Cascade Bicycle
Club and others to work with their state DOT on
We sent the survey report to the bicycle and pedestrian
coordinators in December, and are already receiving
updates (welcome Ohio bike/ped. coordinator, Heather
Bowden!) which lead us to believe we'll need to reassess
state interest in the next few months. Momentum is
shifting as states and partners begin to talk about roles
and possibilities. The mood is catching and I believe
we'll see the hot list grow.
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