
  • Thu June 25 2009
  • Posted Jun 25, 2009
Mark you calendars! Des Moines will be holding a Bicycle Summit on July 14 from 12:00 – 1:30 PM and 5:30 – 7:30 PM at the Des Moines Public Library. The Bicycle Summit will serve as a public input meeting into the Des Moines Bicycle Plan currently under development. The Bicycle Summit will refine the goals of the Des Moines Bicycle Plan, review the potential treatments, and challenge current designs to open minds to new opportunities. Participants will be asked to give preferences on programs and policies they would like to see implemented in the future plan. Alta Planning & Design, a national firm specializing in bicycle and pedestrian planning is coordinating the plan and will conduct the meeting. Alta staff working on the plan are from Portland, Oregon and Madison, Wisconsin – communities known for world-class bicycle and pedestrian networks. Participants planning to attend the July 14th sessions can pick one or both of the sessions. Information presented will be the same at each session.

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