
  • Tue June 23 2009
  • Posted Jun 23, 2009
Council Bluffs & Mineola Wabash Trace Nature Trail New Taco Ride t-shirts are now available and will be sold this week on the ride. The cost is $15. Look for them at the Council Bluffs trail head and at Mineola. In addition, Taco Ride Koozies are still on sale. They are $4 each. The shirts and koozies are being sold by the Wabash Angels. The Wabash Angels are a group that raise money to support various projects related to the Wabash Trace Nature Trail. This year the Wabash Angels have joined with the Mineola Volunteer Fire Department to raise money for the purchase of an emergency vehicle for easy access on the trail. Currently, existing equipment is to large and heavy to access many parts of the trail which makes it difficult to respond to medical emergencies with hikers and bikers. John Houchins A Wabash Angel

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