Efforts to make bike rides illegal continue in Iowa
Wed September 24 2008
Posted Sep 24, 2008
- 8,219
Efforts to make bike rides illegal continue in Iowa
Emmet County reviews bike ordinance with county attorney
Iowa State Association of Counties continues to promote
ordinance on website
Despite media accounts the Iowa Counties are dropping the
bicycle liability issue, Iowa Counties are still pursuing
efforts to make bike rides illegal on county roadways.
Recent action by the Emmet County Board of Supervisors has
prompted a review of a sample ordinance provided by the Iowa
State Association of Counties. A similar ordinance was
briefly considered to replace a resolution by Crawford
County which bans RAGBRAI and similar natured events.
The concern over liability began in October 2007 when
Crawford County settled a case of a bicycle fatality out of
court. The fatal crash occurred on the 2004 RAGBRAI ride.
The claim of the lawsuit was centered around the county's
failure to warn bicyclists of a large expansion joint on a
downhill section of roadway. A deputy was assigned to the
area after the first of nine crashes occurred over a
two-hour time period. The deputy remained on scene for 45
minutes and left. Orange warning cones were removed before
the fatality occurred.
Since that point, counties have expressed worry and
confusion over the liability of bicycle rides. In an effort
to provide protection, counties requested the legislature
provide immunity to counties on all bicycle incidents,
effectively denying a citizens access to courts because they
choose to ride a bicycle. The proposal would have not
changed the court access of automobile drivers,
motorcyclists, or other roadway users even though the modes
of transportation produces more fatalities, injuries, and
lawsuits per year. The legislature did not accept the
arguments of the counties and chose not to take action.
The Iowa State Association of Counties has produced a series
of sample ordinances which propose to make bicycle rides
illegal. These ordinances require every bicycle ride
advertised, including e-mail and Internet to obtain $1
million of insurance and provide the county with an
additional insured certificate. Funeral processions,
motorcycle poker runs, and tractorcade were not addressed in
the ordinance. Similar ordinances have been considered in
Jackson, Dallas, Hardin, and Crawford Counties. Hardin
County has been the only to pass the ordinance, but has
since repealed the ordinance.
Maybe the most tragic part of the liability concern has been
the lack of education on bicycle risk management. Decision
makers at the county level have expressed they lack the
experience to make decisions on the issue because bicycle
fatalities are so rare. Counties have relied upon the Iowa
State Association of Counties to provide a sample ordinance,
but the ordinance on the ISAC website remains surrounded by
legal questions. Media accounts have statements from ISAC
that they will be dropping the issue, but individual
counties seem to be considering the issue and the sample
ordinance remains on the ISAC website under legal services.
The Iowa Bicycle Coalition maintains that taking action
without understanding the issue is creating a solution in
search of a problem. The Iowa Bicycle Coalition has added a
risk management workshop to the Iowa Bicycle Summit on
January 22 in Des Moines at the Wallace Auditorium.
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