
  • Wed April 30 2008
  • Posted Apr 30, 2008
A correction bill passed today that will allow the Neal Smith trail to be repaired to the tune of nearly $3,000,000. Smooth trails will be coming in the next frew years. Bike seats will rejoice. HOUSE PASSES FINAL BILL APPROVING 100% FEDERAL COST TO RECONSTRUCT THE NEAL SMITH TRAIL Includes Boswell Language Waiving Local Matching for Neal Smith Trail “Today, the House overwhelming passed the Senate amendment to the SAFETEA-LU Technical Corrections Act, H.R. 1195, which includes language waiving the local matching requirement to reconstruct the Neal Smith Trail,” announced Congressman Leonard Boswell. “Almost two years ago, I started working with my colleagues on the House side to remedy the problem so that we could go forward with this project.” “This is great news for the bikers and hikers in Polk County,” added Boswell. “It’s now imperative that this bill become law.” Background: The House passed the technical corrections bill last year. The Senate recently passed the bill, with amendments, on April 17th and today the House passed the final version by a vote of 358 to 51. Old Neal Smith trail News More to come soon!

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