IMBCS #7 - Squirrel's Nest Time Trial this Sunday, Sept. 23!
Wed September 19 2007
Posted Sep 19, 2007
- 8,140
The IMBCS season finale, IMBCS #7 – ‘Squirrels Nest’ is coming up this Sunday, September 23! Due to the urban sprawl that is taking place on top of the old Sycamore Trail, race director Chris Maharry found it necessary to change the location after 7 years. The new course is going to be at the old Science Center Trails and is being designed by trail building maestro, Squirrel, so you know it’s going to be a killer course! This is the 8th edition of the time trial and local mountain biking legend / race director Chris Maharry always seems to come through in creating a great event that is both fun and challenging for all skill levels.
The skinny: registration opens at 9:00. The cost is a measly $25 for all participants. The first rider will start at 10am sharp with riders starting at one minute intervals.
The start / finish area will be located near Greenwood Park, there will be plenty of parking available at the Ashworth Pool parking lot and along 45th St.
As always, there will be a ton of schwag and most people, if not everyone, will go home with something other than their dirty bikes.
Directions to Ashworth Pool parking lot. Take Interstate 235 through Des Moines, take the 42nd St exit and head south on 42nd St until you get to Grand Ave. Turn right (west) on Grand Ave. until you get to 45th St. Turn left (south) on 45th St and continue south on 45th St. 45th St. ends at Ashworth Pool. Park your car and get ready to rip it up on some of the best mountain biking trails that Iowa has to offer! I’ve also attached a map located in the files section of the IORCA Yahoo Group Site (
All proceeds generated from this race will be donated to CITA (Central Iowa Trail Authority) and the Price Vandelune Memorial Fund. Both are great causes! Without CITA, all of the trails at the Science Center wouldn’t exist. A lot of hard work goes into maintaining the great trails that we have to enjoy throughout the year.
For those of you that don’t know what had happened to Chad and Dorothy Vandelune, they had an 8 month old son, Price, that passed away on September 5. Kim West and a few of Chad and Dorothy’s friends have been kind enough to set up a fund raising campaign to help Chad and Dorothy cover some of the expenses.
The board members of the IMBCS also would like to welcome all participants and their families to join us at Rasmussen Bike Shop, located at 301 Grand Ave in West Des Moines (east of the Science Center) following the conclusion of the race for the Squirrel’s Nest awards presentations and also for the IMBCS series awards presentations. There will be free food provided from Jason’s Deli in West Des Moines and possibly free beer (were still working on the beer).
Questions? Race Director Chris Maharry can be contacted at: 515-577-0203.
You are all also encouraged to join us this Saturday for another fund raiser for the Price Vandelune Memorial Fund at the Science Center. This will be a great opportunity to ride with some of the coolest people around and also to pre-ride the course for Squirrel’s Nest! Details are as follows:
Something Rad for Price, Dorothy and Chad
A community off-road ride and fundraiser for the Price Vandelune Memorial Fund
Dear fellow bike riders:
We were all saddened by the untimely passing of Price Vandelune on Wednesday, September 5, 2007 and would like to take the opportunity to invite you to join in an off-road celebration Saturday, September 22 at noon on the beautiful Science Center off-road trail system. We will meet at Ashworth Pool, 45th & Grand, Des Moines, and embark upon a leisurely, fun and joyous celebration of life, friendship and trails. We invite the participation of the bike riding community and request at least a $20 donation to the Price Vandelune Memorial Fund. Oakley has been kind enough to donate an autographed pair of glasses from Pro Tour Rider Bobby Julich to be raffled to participants in the ride. If you are unable to attend, consider a donation, and you will be entered in the drawing (need not be present to win).
Please note, this ride is at your own discretion and the organizers are doing this as a community event to honor the friendship of all bike riders and enjoy the afternoon together.
Join us or donate by stopping at Rasmussen Bike Shop to buy a ticket(s) OR mailing a check to the Price Vandelune Memorial Fund, (First American Bank, Des Moines, IA.) The Orphanage Attn: Kim West, P.O. Box 13133, Des Moines, IA 50310. (Please note your desire to be entered in the raffle when mailing checks).
Marc Hollander:
Rob Versteegh:
Thanks for your time, kind thoughts and support for our friends in their time of need.
Marc T. Hollander & Rob Versteegh
Hope to see you all this weekend!
Cam Kirkpatrick
President - IMBCS
Urbandale, IA
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