Rash Ride serves as warm-up to RAGBBRAI
Mon June 11 2007
Posted Jun 11, 2007
- 4,027
[Sorry!! old news, but wanted to post it anyway!]
By JOSH NELSON Courier Staff Writer
INDEPENDENCE --- Cycling enthusiasts will get an early peek at what Buchanan County has in store for them when RAGBRAI rolls through.
The fifth-annual RASH Ride --- a warm-up for the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa --- will kick off Saturday. The ride was started in 2002 as a way to goad RAGBRAI planners into to making Independence an overnight stop, said Bill Versluis, the RASH Ride organizer.
Someone in Des Moines apparently heard them. Independence will host the riders on July 26th.
"Because we're an overnight stop for RAGBRAI, I'm hoping we get a few extra people to check us out," Versluis said.
The ride attracts about 500 people annually. Versluis said he hopes to have around 600 to 700 people this weekend. The ride is organized similar to RAGBRAI, with stops about every 10 to 15 miles. Cyclists have the choice of pedaling along a 50-mile or 25-mile path.
Proceeds from the ride go to benefit the Buchanan County Four Seasons Trail Association.
Fred Smock, president of the trails association, said money from previous rides has helped them build three trail bridges around town and was also used in the campaign to make Independence an overnight stop on RAGBRAI.
"I think how successful (Bill) has been with the ride is the reason why RAGBRAI looked at Independence," Smock said.
Another benefit from the ride will be the fact that planners have plenty of experience in preparing the city for a large flock of bikers, he said.
The ride has also been a boon to the local economy, said Tammy Shaffer, executive director of the Independence Chamber of Commerce. The day of the ride, Shaffer said residents "basically see bikes everywhere."
This year, there is a bit more buzz around the community because the event serves as a lead-up to the big ride in July, she said.
"I think for somebody who might not have gotten their bike out and joined the ride, ... they might do it just because it's just a great way to relate to the whole anticipation of RAGBRAI," Shaffer said.
The event kicks off at 7 a.m., Saturday with a breakfast provided by the Independence Lions Club. Riders will hit the trail at 9:30 a.m.
Contact Josh Nelson at (319) 291-1565 or josh.nelson@wcfcourier.com.
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