Everest climber will speak at Lime Creek
Mon January 29 2007
Posted Jan 29, 2007
- 8,806
MASON CITY — Charlie Wittmack, the first Iowan to scale Mount Everest, will talk about his adventure during a program Sunday at the Lime Creek Nature Center.
The public can attend a potluck dinner at 5 p.m. (please bring a dish to share), and the program at 6.
Wittmack, a Des Moines native, will speak and show photos from his 2003 Everest ascent. The event is sponsored by the North Iowa Touring Club, a bicycle, cross-country skiing and outdoor club which sponsors events across the region.
For more information about the club, call Bob Kruger at (641) 228-7541 or send e-mail to rkrueger@mchsi.com.
Also visit the club’s Web site, www.northiowatouringclub.com. Learn more about Wittmack and his adventures at www.wittmack.com.
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