
  • Sun June 18 2006
  • Posted Jun 18, 2006
Have you ever wondered if there's more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking? There's a good chance you'll find the answers to many of life's mysteries while doing the Stiff Ride. So join the Stiffies as they explore the eastern Iowa countryside like modern day Lewis & Clark explorers. We guarantee you'll get drunk enough to forget that Lewis & Clark never set foot in eastern Iowa, and probably didn't even know how to ride a bike.
Come taste the beer, Come hear the tunes, Come play some hack, Start celebrating; Right this way, Your bike is waiting. Life is a Cabaret old chum, Come to the Cabaret* (*And by Cabaret I mean Stiff Ride)
Click this link to learn more about the Stiff Ride. Click this link to let us know you're coming to the Stiff Ride.

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