With about 2,100 recreational bikers in Greene County, and about 880 riding at least twice a month, the Iowa Bicycle Coalition has estimated that about $3.1 million was spent by cyclists in 2024.
The Iowa Bicycle Coalition released a study on the economic and health impacts of the over 2,000 bike trails in Iowa. According to the study, over 900,000 Iowans are bike riders
Highlighting the impact biking has on the state’s economy helps policymakers better fund construction and maintenance of bike trails and biking infrastructure. According to the study, Iowa trail cyclists spend around $1.4 billion per year, mostly in retail and food sales.
Jefferson was one of five communities with a case study due to the Raccoon River Valley Trail. The study states that most money spent in the county related to cycling is for buying or renting bikes, restaurants and bar spending. Estimated spending includes $175,000 for lodging; $690,000 for restaurant and bar; $250,000 for grocery, food and drink; $370,000 for transportation and gas; $120,000 for event admissions and entertainment; $370,000 for shopping; $970,000 for buying and renting bikes and $190,000 for bike repair and maintenance.
“Over the past five years, Greene County’s economy has grown by $88 million in 2023 dollars,” stated the survey.
Bikers in Greene County also help support jobs when they ride on local trails. According to the study, about 16 jobs are supported in retail trade and about 13 jobs related to food and drink services, accommodations, arts, entertainment, recreation and other services are supported. In the retail trade industry, cyclists had a $1.3 million economic impact.