
Many bicycles, electric bicycles, and electric scooters travel through the University of Iowa and Iowa City each day. Whether you’re riding one of these devices or interreacting with them on foot or in your motor vehicle, it’s important to know how to be safe and courteous on the roads.

ere are some rules you should be familiar with before heading out on your bike or e-scooter.

If you’re on a bicycle, e-bicycle, or e-scooter:

  • Bicycles, e-bicycles, and e-scooters must follow the same traffic laws as motor vehicles, including traffic signs and signals, on public streets.
  • In walkways, sidewalks, crosswalks, plazas, patios, parking facilities, loading zones, or similar pedestrian areas, bicycles and e-scooters should follow these guidelines:
    • Yield to pedestrians. They have the right of way.
    • If you are within five bike lengths of someone walking, biking, skating, skateboarding, or using a wheelchair, slow your speed to match the pace of pedestrian flow.
    • You should have a minimum of one bike length separation from others in a pedestrian area. If you are unable to keep that spacing, do not go faster than a slow walk, or dismount and walk, until you can legally pass.
    • You should notify others on what side you are passing them and should try to pass people on their left side when it’s safe to do so. Simply say “Coming up on your left!”
  • You may not ride bicycles and e-scooters on unpaved areas, such as grass and plant beds, unless there is a designated trail.






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