
A new bike repair station has been installed on the west side of the Memorial Union. The station includes an air pump, two tire levers and a variety of screwdriver and wrench options.

The new installation comes as a part of Iowa State’s Green Initiatives Fund, a sponsorship in which student-led organizations around Iowa State and Ames can apply to receive money for their projects, events and initiatives that promote environmental, economic or social sustainability, according to the Student Government website.

A sum of $15,000 is set aside for the fund each year at Iowa State. Applications are submitted to and reviewed by the Student Government’s sustainability committee, led by Olivia Miller, a senior studying environmental science.

The idea for the new bike repair stations originated after Miller’s virtual tour of Iowa State as an incoming freshman.

“Something that really stuck out to me was when they mentioned that there were two bike repair stations on campus for students to have free access to, I thought, ‘Wow, this university really cares about its students and wants to be a more sustainable place,’” Miller said.






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