
  • Jiri Kaloc
  • Tue December 05 2023
  • Posted Dec 23, 2023

Fatbikes are fun and exciting

Fatbikes are perfect if you’re looking for a new way to get out and explore. The wide tyres provide extra grip and traction, allowing you to traverse terrain that would make conventional tyres sink. Fatbikes use low tyre pressure that allows them to roll over obstacles with more stability, making them suitable for riding in various conditions, including snow, sand, mud, and wet pavement. Simply put, you can venture out on the most exciting trails and explore so many new environments when using a fatbike.

Fatbikes go well with other winter sports

Staying fit in the harsh winter weather can be harder. Fatbikes can help with your winter fitness in two ways. They offer a great way to add intense workouts that burn a lot of calories but don’t require a lot of recovery time. Riding out in the cold requires your body to spend a lot of energy on keeping the core temperature up but you’re still doing a non-weight-bearing activity so the recovery is that much quicker compared to running or cross-country skiing.








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