
  • Sun May 29 2005
  • Posted May 29, 2005
[ note: I got this info from ragbrai'ers in Missouri asking for some 'Iowa' assistance to help with a petition to help avoid a gap in the Katy Trail. Please read the information and sign the petition if you feel it is warranted!... Thanks!] Missouri's Katy Trail is the largest converted railway trail in the United States and is one public-works project in which Missourians across the entire state take pride and garner economic benefit. Today our proud heritage is at risk. Governor Blunt is giving a Katy Trail bridge, located in Boonville, to a large, private corporation; they plan to sell the bridge for scrap at a time when our state treasury is empty. Destroying the bridge will "create a gap" in the Katy Trail and will put the entire trail at risk. The laws governing the trail are complex; lawsuits will allow owners to reclaim the railway land currently used by the trail. Governor Blunt isn't selling our state out to big business, he's giving it away! As Missourians, we should all stand up and fight for our heritage. Please sign the online petition ( and pass this email along to your friends. Katy Trail information:

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