
The Hawkeye Bicycle Association (HBA) shared bike safety tips during the association's Back-to-School Bike Rodeo event on Saturday morning.

Residents showed up for the event at Cedar Hills Community Church to learn about biking trends that are seen in students bicycling to schools.

HBA officials outlined Saturday's bike event in a press release sent out on Friday:

"Saturday, August 26th the Hawkeye Bicycle Association will host a a back-to-school bike rodeo at Cedar Hills Community Church, 6455 E Ave NW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52405 from 10 to noon. Hawkeye Bicycle Association VP Jim Bernstein is coordinating the rodeo, with assistance from Matt Burkey, Safe Routes to School Manager for the Iowa Bicycle Coalition."

Iowa's News Now spoke with Jim Bernstein, Vice President of HBA, to talk about the bike ride event on Saturday and some of the things they safety tips they shared with riders.

"Teaching children how to ride their bicycle safely is really important and teaching them that they need to wear helmets when they ride," said Bernstein. "A lot of the injuries that occur are not only children, but even among adults, are head injuries."





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