
  • Posted Jul 27, 2009

Come for the fun! Come for the exercise! Come for the food! and of course Stay for the PARTY!

Colfax, IA The Colfax Country Club (CCC) is proud to announce that we're bringing the Tour de Skunk "BACK TO LIFE!" Aug 8 2009 (9 am to Whenever) Event type: Party Ride 101-500 riders expected Colfax Country Club 3761 E. 108th St. S. Colfax, IA 50054 MAP We're spreading the word to everyone and anyone who's ever rode the Skunk ride, as well as future generations who THINK they can keep up with the Veteran's. This year we've included plenty of activities to keep you entertained the entire day as well as 3 different routes for you to choose from. If you don't feel like riding, you can just hang out and enjoy a day full of fun and frolic. We're setting up the volleyball net and the horseshoes along with a new addition to the Skunk ride, a WATERSLIDE to cool you down throughout the day. Camping is provided across the road. IT'S GONNA BE A BLAST!!! So don't miss it! (Did I mention we're OUT OF CITY LIMITS) The Ride: You'll have 3 different routes in which to choose from. You can ride anywhere from 10- 40 miles, round trip. Routes in this year's ride include a hilly jaunt to John's Steakhouse and Lounge in Prairie City, IA or a flat ride to Dick's Place in Mitchellville, then back to the golf course. Or, if that ain't enough ridin', you can pedal on to the Neil Smith Wildlife Refuge where you can check out with your very own eyes the preservation of the VIRTUALLY EXTINCT, tallgrass prairie. A true piece of Iowa's natural heritage! The refuge restoration process has already provided a diversity of life, including hundreds of plant species; over 200 bird species; nearly 100 species of mammals; scores of amphibians, reptiles, and fish; and countless thousands of insect species. Bison and elk have also been re-introduced to the refuge to demonstrate the natural tallgrass ecosystem. It's a really cool education experience! RIDE DETAILS Registration: Registration in advance is $15 and that includes an official Tour de Skunk cap, a wrist band for the hog roast and first drink on the house. This is the ONLY way you can get a cap because they are limited. REGISTER EARLY by printing the first page of flier and sending it in. Registration the day of the ride is $20 and that'll give you a wrist band for the hog roast and 1st drink free. Lodging: There are two motel located on the north side of I-80 for those whose like a real bed. They are Microtel and Comfort Inn. Comfort Inn is 515-614-4455 and Microtel # is 515-674-0600

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