
  • Posted May 25, 2009

RUN - BIKE - EAT PIE A Pieathlon is like a mini-triathlon with pie instead of stopwatches. Easier, more fun and tastes better too!! Participants can choose one or all three events.

Adel, IA JUNE 20th 2009 Everyone who can walk, run, bike, swim or eat pie is invited to share the fun and fight cancer at Penny’s PIEATHLON! It’s an event similar to a triathlon but you can substitute the swimming with a piece of pie if you want to! The third annual Penny’s Pieathlon will be held Saturday, June 20 in Adel. The event includes a swim, walk/run, bike ride and a slice of homemade pie. Participants have the opportunity to choose between a 100 yds, 200 yds, ¼ mile swim (swim is optional), a one mile walk, 5K or 10K run for the run/walk portion of the event, the choice of a 10, 24 or 33-mile bike ride and the option of purchasing a piece of pie along the route from local vendors. The Lance Armstrong Foundation has scheduled the Pieathlon as an official Team LiveSTRONG training event! Pieathlon Proceeds to Fight Cancer Half the people you know will be touched by cancer in their lifetime. As a nation, we know what to do but we aren’t doing it. Early Detection, Access to Care and Research work. The 2007 Pieathlon helped close the gap a little. 2008 Pieathlon Funds Increased 50% Over 2007. Thanks to our Sponsors, Volunteers and Participants for making the second annual Pieathlon a success! Proceeds are split 4 ways this year for distribution to John Stoddard Cancer Center, Mercy Cancer Center, Heart Connection-Children's Cancer Programs and the Lance Armstrong Foundation-LIVESTRONG. So 75% of the funds will be used locally. How to Register: Early sign-up price of $30 has been extended to through June 4th. Another $5 can be saved or designated for the beneficiary of your choice. For online registration use PENNY for the discount code. Online registration is available at Special this year! Cow (Pie) Bells! People encourage riders in the Tour and at Tri-athlons by ringing cow bells. So this year Graze Restaurant is helping us with yellow cow bells that will be available for $3 each or 4 for $10. Madison County Winery is doing a special UNITE to fight cancer label for us. It will feature the names of 180-200 survivors and we currently have room for 100 more. There is no cost, people need to email their name in all caps to We hope to see you and your friends on June 20th!


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