
  • Posted Mar 3, 2009

A "SURE CURE" for that cabin fever, this ridin' and rockin' bicycle extravaganza boasts live music at both ends! Don't miss one of the biggest rides of the year, folks!

Apr 4 2009 24 miles Party ride Two Friends Tap 210 Main St. Laporte City, IA 50651 The Scoop 24 mile round trip from LaPorte City to Brandon and back, with lots of ride route options. Most folks will choose a combination of the Cedar Valley Nature trail and low traffic highway portion. (due to closure of the Cedar River bridge on the trail route) Tons of party stops, no matter what route you take! Since it's inaugural year, the motto of The Fool's rides has always been, "Damn the Torpedoes" Translation: This ride will go on no matter what Mother Nature throws at us! Rain, snow, hail, mudslides or even a plague of locusts will not prevent this ride from taking place. Oh Yeah... be sure to "blaze up" in your blaze orange clothing (the official ride color) . A Colorful History The origin of the April Fools Ride is an interesting story. 8 years ago, while riding on the Cedar Valley Nature Trail near LaPorte City, Greg Johnson (Cordell B. of Team Cornpone) asked why there were no big rides in the Cedar Rapids/W'loo/Cedar Falls areas. Greg had just returned from his 1st organized ride, the BRR Ride in Perry, after a 25 year hiatus from bike riding. He and Team Cornpone co-founder, Ben Wheeler (Jubilation T.) talked about starting one in the area. Various options were discussed, as well as whether a trail component would be desirable. The first ride was a loop from LaPorte City to Brandon to Mt. Auburn and back. Minimal advertising and wicked weather resulted in fewer than 30 riders taking part. Only 4 riders completed the whole loop. All subsequent rides have been an out and back 24 mile round trip on the trail, featuring some of the best scenery in the state. (or hwy route depending on trail conditions). On year 2, a day band was added in the beer garden in Brandon commencing in mid-afternoon, as well as another top band back in LaPorte City at 7:00 pm. The Team wanted to incorporate the best features of other rides into the Fool's Ride. Finishing up your bike ride at 5:00 and then waiting until 9:00 for the music to start is no fun, and you lose a lot of people. We've never had a registration fee or cover charge... only an "at cost" optional t-shirt. Also on year 2, former Team Cornpone member Sean Buckley (Rufus R.) came up with the idea for a fall ride, called the "Sloof" ride... You guessed it! Fools Ride spelled backward, with the ride ridden in reverse order, starting and finishing in Brandon. This ride is held in September, scheduled around Hawkeye home games. The "Sloof " ride has steadily gained popularity, offering nearby camping and upward of 200 riders. The things that truly set both these rides apart from others, is the fun mix of friendly locals and riders of all experience levels, and the top-shelf free live entertainment at both towns, as well as the actual route, with abundant wildlife, Buzzards Quarry and several other great stops. The Two Friends Tap in LaPorte City has almost doubled it's interior space and will likely have the street blocked off to accommodate the overflow crowds we have been getting. Sure hope to see all the veteran Fools riders and lots of new faces too! Mark your calendar for April 4th... high noon! Check out a few photos from last year . Team Cornpone Ben Wheeler (Jubilation T.) Greg Johnson (Cordell B.) RIDE DETAILS

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