
  • Posted Sep 8, 2007

Saturday October 13, 2007 - Shorter, easier routes for families and recreational riders

Enjoy an early fall ride through the countryside, trails and small towns west and northwest of Des Moines, in memory of our friend, Dr. Bob Breedlove, who lost his life in Colorado while competing in his sixth Race Across America in June of 2005. Proceeds go to the Dr. Breedlove Memorial Fund for Trail Improvements. Past news about Dr. Bob | Last year's Ride photos | More Ride Info
Registration Information [Sorry, the online registration has closed. you can still sign-up at the ride.] Register on-line through Register by October 1, 2007 and receive a $5 discount. All pre-registered riders receive an official ride t-shirt. Walk-up registrations are welcome. Limited t-shirt sizes may be available to late registrants.
Check-In Check-in at Bike World West, 60th and Ashworth in West Des Moines, begins at 6:00 a.m. the morning of the ride. Pick up your registration materials and tshirts, or late register at that time. The ride begins at or about 7:00 a.m.
Routes The 60 mile route will go west on Ashworth Road, south to Booneville, then out F90 (Grand Ave.) to its end; P58 North to F31, east through Minburn to R16; through Dallas Center to Hickman Road and back to West Des Moines on the Raccoon River Valley Trail. The 120 mile route will follow the same route to F31, but there it will turn west and take F31, P46, F25, P30 and E57 up to Cooper, where the ride returns to West Des Moines on the Raccoon River Valley Trail. The 25 mile route will go west on Ashworth 4 miles, then double back on residential streets and trails in West Des Moines, through Raccoon River Park, Holiday Park, Jordan Creek Trail and back to the Start. 10 and 15 mile routes will also be marked and will be in the general area of the 25 mile route. Route maps will be available at Check-in.
Services Repairs will be available on the road portions of the route and “on call” for the trail at intersecting towns. Water stops will be available at approximately 20 mile intervals unless there is a nearby town with a convenience store service station. Bring two water bottles. Sag services will be available “on call” after noon (except for emergencies) on the road portion of the route and where the trail intersects a town. The “on call” contact numbers will be on the route maps.
For more information
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  • Call or email Bill R. 515-222-1880
  • Email Bill T. at

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