
  • Posted May 20, 2007

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Chichaqua Valley Trail, the hiking and biking path that connects Baxter to Bondurant.

By JOHN JENNINGS NDN Staff Writer The Jasper County Conservation Board celebrated the event Saturday in Baxter with a variety of events. State Senator Dennis Black, a key figure in the acquisition of the former rail bed that became the Chichaqua Valley Trail, praised the efforts of groups in creating the recreational trail in Jasper and Polk counties. “Nothing of great consequence comes without a lot of toil,” Black said during ceremonies Saturday morning. “Baxter is a unique community. They don’t just talk about it, they get things done.” In 1983, the Central and Northwestern Railroad indicated that it had plans to abandon the rail line from Bondurant to Marshalltown. Black said he went to the Conservation Board and emphasized that this was an opportunity to acquire the rail line for a trail. Initially, about $100,000 was raised, but it the railroad officials turned down the offer. The state Conservation Commission, under the direction of Larry Wilson, then offered $190,000 for the railroad bed from Bondurant in Polk County on to Baxter, and the deal was accepted. John Parsons was hired to coordinate the development of the trail and work began, utilizing Dave Morgan’s Iowa Youth Corps. Originally gravel, the trail was paved 12 years later. The trail head at Baxter needed work as well. Black praised Baxter resident Pat Milligan for being a driving force in cleaning the area, turning it from an “eyesore” into a beautiful starting point for the trail, complete with a caboose to remember the trail’s rail history. Similar beautification projects were undertaken on the trail as it passes through Ira, Mingo and Valeria. Black said one of the wonderful aspects of the Chichaqua acquisition was that it was accomplished without the use of local taxpayer money. The county needed $50,000 to match the state’s funding, and Ellen Maytag generously provided that, Black said. The legislature has appropriated $2 million each year through the infrastructure budget for trail maintenance, and Black said there is a commitment for $3 million this year, generated from gambling revenues. Lisa Hein, program and planning director for the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, said her organization helped in the creation of the trail, and emphasized the importance of trails in connecting communities and businesses. Iowa is ranked fifth in the nation in the number of miles of biking/hiking trails now, she said. As part of the celebration, the Jasper County Conservation Board sponsored a bike ride along the trail, a bike rodeo for children was held in Baxter, the Audubon Society conducted a bird hike along the trail, Al Keninger, ISU Extension gave a seminar in Ira on geocaching using global positioning system, and lunch was provided by O’Kelley’s in Baxter. Chichaqua Valley Trail Links

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