
  • Posted Jan 13, 2007

May 12th - 18th will be Bike To Work Week. The 2007 "Bike To Work" site has been updated. We are excited to host another week's worth of activities, but we need your help now to get your employers involved.

To continue Bike To Work Week, we need three things:
  • Corporate Sponsors
  • People to organize Bike To Work events throughout the state
  • More volunteers to help promote and organize these events
Corporate Sponsors - We need Corporate sponsors to help fund promotional materials, prizes, giveaways and breakfasts, etc. You can become a sponsor for as little as $100. Contributions are tax-deductible this year and the levels are; Supporter $100, Bronze $500, Silver $1000 and Gold for $2500. Who better knows the person to contact at your employer than you? We ask that you make contact with that person and let them know that you want them to become involved as a Bike to Work sponsor. Have them review the sponsor page and contact us with any questions. If a sponsoship is not feasible, you can still get you employer to participate by having them promote Bike To Work week in their wellness letters, sending emails, posting posters and brochures to get others involved. Find out more on the "Become a Sponsor" page.
People to organize Bike To Work events throughout the state - We'd love to see Bike To Work events popping up all over the state! If you want to organize a Bike To Work related event in your area, we can help you do that! We can provide materials such as poster, brochures, etc. You can promote your event though and all your participants will be eligible for prizes and giveaways when they register. Find out more on the How to Organize an events page.
More volunteers to help promote and organize these events - There are several ways to volunteer for Bike To Work Week.
  • You can help organize and plan an event in your area. We will help you do that!
  • You can help us plan one or more of the events going on in central Iowa.
  • You can help distribute posters and brochures to different businesses
  • You can help get employers, bike clubs, neighborhood assocations etc. involved with Bike To Work Week
  • Get your employer involved. Download a sponsorship letter (Word doc)
  • You can volunteer to be a Staging Captain
  • Organize a "How To Commute" lunch and learn at your workplace
  • Have other ideas? Let us know!

Bike To Work Week Details This is the year to get coworkers, friends, famly and especially your Employers involved. We know you commute, and now it's time to get others involved too! Bike To Work Coordinators Angela Dalton Cell: (515) 289-6169 Scott Sumpter Cell: 515-490-2055

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