
  • Posted May 31, 2006

Team Checker

BIKEIOWA is proud to present the sixth profile for 2006. Each profile will consist of same fifteen base questions and answers with a gallery of pictures. This month's profile features the Team Checker!
  1. Home Turf

    Dunlap Iowa
  2. The Scoop

    “We’re fun lovers. We don’t take ourselves too seriously and we keep each other young. Sam gets younger each year.”
  3. Who's Who

    Grizz & Ginny Behrendt, Mary Binderup, Fanny & Treva Block, Jean Brees, Jodi Brindley, Jason Cogdill, Rob Cogdill, Sam & Sue Cogdill(without whom none of this would happen), Scott(scooter) Cogdill, Becky Constant, Franny Cross, (mel)Melinda Douma, Elsye Gieseman, Renae(BOB)Jergens, Deana Johnson, Tammy Kistenmacher, Jack & Tracy Kramer, Tom Kreager, Nicki Mason, (rockin’)Rhonda McCoy, Lindsey McCoy, Cody & Terry Morrow, John Morrow, John & Nancy Nielson, Deb Penney, Kari Reisz, Lisa Ring, Richard & Marty Rose, Laura Rowedder, Brad Rozell, Margaret Sandquist, Don Shaefer(Shaef), Lynn Schable, Dan(the man)Schmitz, Mike(doc) & Barb Schmitz, Butch and Bonnie Sleezer, Therese Slechta, Laura Stabb, Bill Stephany, Kenny Summerfield, Kathy Sweere, Cliff Wendt, Denny(wiener) Wieland, and David & Betty Wycoff. And others we can't mention for legal reasons...
  4. Recent News

    Team Checker’s Windmill Ride will be June 23-25 with the Okoboji Ride and Chubby Carrier!
  5. Did You Know?

    If we weren’t here we’d be somewhere else!
  6. Our History

    It all started with Sam Cogdill(a Purina dealer) and his wife Sue(a teacher). You have the red and white checkerboard and a check mark. It's simple! "Team Checker" Not Team Picnic! Not Team Tablecloth! Not Team Checkerboard! Not Team V r! It's TEAM CHECKER!!!! SHOUT IT OUT LOUD!!!
  7. Mission Statement

    First bar on the left! If it’s not on your left turn around and it will be!
  8. What's Hot?

    RAGBRAI in July!
  9. What's Not?

    RAGBRAI in January!
  10. Favorite Iowa Event?

    Gotta be RAGBRAI! Team Checker’s Windmill Ride, Okoboji Ride, and B.R.R. Also riding with our biking buds from other great teams is huge to us. You know who you are!
  11. Favorite Quote

    “We’ve become the people our parents warned us about”
  12. What's Next?

    Keep spreading good will and fortune to all fun lovers near and far!!!
  13. Sponsors

    ! They couldn’t afford us!
  14. Accepting new members?

    We can’t manage the ones we have! NOTE: auditions for the right applicant may be considered. Applicants should be pretty and smell nice. (Sorry guys)
  15. Dues/Benefits

    The benefits outweigh the dues baby!!
  16. Contact Information
  17. Website

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