
  • Posted Jan 17, 2006

Explore issues on tourism, complete streets, safety, education, trail mapping and bicycle clubs.

The second annual Iowa Bicycle Summit is expanding to two days, Thursday and Friday, Feb. 2-3 at the Holiday Inn Downtown at Mercy Campus in Des Moines. The gathering will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day and is sponsored by the Iowa Department of Transportation and the Iowa Bicycle Coalition. Thursday's session will focus on bicycle facility design with a workshop presented by Michael Ronkin, bicycle and pedestrian coordinator for the Oregon DOT. This workshop will be especially useful to engineers, planners and others interested in the design of bicycle facilities. Workshop attendees are eligible for Professional Development Hours. On Friday attendees will explore issues important to bicyclists and advocates including bicycle tourism, complete streets, safety, education, trail mapping and bicycle clubs. This day is for the every day cyclist who wants to become more involved with cycling in Iowa.

Summit Details | Bike Night Details
The Thursday workshop is limited to 100 people and Friday's session is limited to 150 attendees. Early registration is recommended prior to Jan. 21. Registration for the entire summit is $100 ($110 after Jan. 21). To attend just the Thursday session is $85 ($95 after Jan. 21) and if you wish to attend only on Friday, the cost is $25 ($35 after Jan. 21). Registration includes all conference materials, lunches and break snacks. A block of rooms has been reserved at the hotel for attendees at a rate of $89.54. Call 515-283-0151 or log on to to reserve your room. To register for the conference on-line, go to or or call Kathy Ridnour at 515-239-1713 for registration details. Bike Night Fundraising Dinner for the Iowa Bicycle Coalition, February 3rd in Des Moines. The Iowa Bicycle Coalition will hold the 1st Annual Bike Night Celebration fund-raising dinner at the Holiday Inn Downtown at Mercy Campus. The event will run from 6-9 p.m. and will feature Richard Schwinn of Waterford Bicycles and the famous Schwinn Bicycle family. Hosted by Mark Wyatt, president of the Iowa Bicycle Coalition and chaired by Charity McCauley, Iowa Bicycle Coalition member, tickets are $25 and can be purchased on-line at or by calling 319-626-6017.

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