
  • Posted Dec 15, 2004

If The Godfather Marco Made Your Christmas Card List, You've Got Something Wrong With Your Bad Self...

Thank gawd it is finally Thursday. Another day in my enebriated off-season before cranking it back up tomorrow with the weekly Power Pacing class at the downtown YMCA. After the last Newton race, I had to call it a season due to a nasty bout of colitis for the past week (Ed. note: the 2004 Cross Mafia Cyclocross Series benefits the Crohns and Colitis Foundation of America, Iowa Chapter). Unfortunately, Iowa City's cross is just not in the cards, so make sure you go over there and bring back some schwag for the holidays! Got a nasty-gram from our man Donger yesterday. Apparently, he ran over a damn squirrel (not Brian) at the Cross Natz last weekend. Poor little bastard gummed (not Matt) his crankset pretty bad. If you listen closely, you can probably hear him racing in Iowa City on Saturday. Otherwise, I've been doing quite a bit of surfin' to figure out what to buy myself for Christmas (as opposed to anytime I feel like it).... hmmm... Power Tap... Polar Power System... Winter Riding Shoes... New DA10... New Record10... ca-ching! Wonder what Wes Hartman is doing now... riding with Floyd & Robbie?

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