
  • Posted Sep 24, 2004

Mud, Sweat And Gears!

Kevin Hankens Interview

Q: Congratulations on a breakthrough in the cyclocross scene locally, regionally and nationally in 2003. pparently you've got the hookup for 2004! Tell us a little about your new team and racing schedule.

A: Yeah, last year was kind of a comeback year for me. I didn't have a great season, but it was enough to get on a good program for this year. An importer from Minneapolis is sponsoring a team headlined by Alan bikes and he is taking pretty good care of us. Right now it's one of the only cyclocross-only teams in the country, which is a pretty cool gesture.

Q: What did you do different in 2003 as far as training and racing to achieve the results you saw? What are your 2004 training plans? Similar? Different?

A: My biggest training tool was getting rid of an intestinal parasite that I had been carrying for a few years : ) I also started doing periodized training and specific intervals tied in with scheduled recovery. Aerobic endurance is very important in cyclocross, so that was my biggest focus. Again, I've done the same kind of thing this year, but I've also incorporated a lot of running into my weekly routine.

Q: What is your favorite discipline in bicycle racing and why?

A: Cyclocross, by a mile. For some reason, 'cross is just a lot more fun. Maybe it's because everyone lets their hair down a bit after a long road or mountain bike season. Plus, I'm a versatile rider, so racing on variable terrain suits me better than a race of pure fitness.

Q: What is your advice to someone who wants to get started in racing cyclocross?

A: If you want to get into the sport, just start showing up at the races. There is no better way to learn than by getting trounced by a bunch of experienced riders. I remember competing in my first UCI cross race and seeing just how fast people go over the barriers. I was smitten. You can make some practice barriers out of PVC pipe and find a park to practice during the week. When the weekend comes, find a race and just dive in head first. You'll get the hang of it!

### Questions:
Name: Kevin Hankens
Hometown: Iowa City
Age: 26
Job Status: Web Development and Graphic Design
Family Status: Married to an awesome girl
1. Current Bike/Components: Alan X33 carbon cross with parts from Thomson, Spooky, Crank Bros. et. Al.
2. Dream Bike/ Components: Rick Hopson's Single Speed Waterford
3. Bike Racing Team: Alan Factory Team
4. Fave Race: Monkey Hill Cyclocross, Wilmington DE
5. Fave Training Ride: Sugar Bottom Road by far
6. How I got into cycling: My family has always been involved in sports
7. Recent Accomplishments: Launched my pet project
8. Do you use a coach: Not at the moment
9. 2004 Goals: Learn to have fun and race at the same time : )
10. Long-term Goals: Give something back to cycling
11. What is the condition of USA Cycling: Poorly organized and not growth oriented
12. What is the condition of Iowa bike racing: Excellent! : )
13. Favorite part about training and racing in Iowa: Low traffic, great people
14. What could be improved: Wider shoulders, $10million sponsor
15. Hobbies: Sleeping
16. Something that you may not know about me: One time I threw Steve Tilford's wheel into the lake at Washington Park in Chicago
17. Parting Shot: I'm not sure what that means, but good luck!

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