
  • Posted Apr 8, 2004

William Hung... or maybe not...

Stardate: 4/7/2004

Bicycle racing is essentially an exercise to push yourself to the limit, then beyond. You cannot and will not improve, if you don’t take a blind leap of faith across the void and try something new.

I learned that again tonight as I was dropped at the first sprint in the Tuesday Night World Championships in Des Moines. I realized that I’m unable to compete with the first group, so I sucked it up and worked with a small group to get in 1.15 at AT while working with my teammates Rosscoe & ‘Tag-along’ Garner.

If you’ve ever wanted to have an experience that will take you to the end of your limits, skip racing a bike and try promoting a race.

If you think it looks easy, try working on an event for months, or year-round. The moment you’re done with the 2004 edition, you’re already making notes, sending out thank-you’s and planning for 2005.

Due to continued family emergencies (yes, Justin, I’m cursed), I was unable to assist with the Altoona Road Race and Water Works Criterium last weekend. ‘Fast’ Lane Anderson learned quickly how close you can run up to that edge. With teamwork and support, great things can happen.

Point being, continue to challenge yourself. Push the limits. Try something new. Tackle that ultra-tough workout. Do a six-hour bender in the saddle. Make the sport better by supporting the individuals who lay it on the line to promote events for you and ask questions. Say ‘thanks’ for making the scene better.

Maybe you can be the stud who introduces the Midwest to the latest and greatest event.



SPARKS, BANG CRASH! The Best-Of Crashes Edition

The Legend of the Iowa Games:

Now, I still don’t know if this one is fact or fiction (hence not being included in the April Fools Edition), but I’ve always heard of a crash descending Pilot Mound Hill during the Iowa Games Road Race.

The particulars of this event is a harrowing descent on formerly crappy county roads from Pilot Mound down to the Des Moines River Valley. Speeds can hit 40-50 miles per hour before you hit bottom and have to climb straight out of the valley.

As the peloton flew down the westward slope at break-neck speeds, a tubular tire overheated due to excessive braking (or a bad glue job) and flew off of the rim, causing a massive crash within the group.

Bikes and bodies were everywhere as the individuals within the group quickly tried to avoid becoming a casualty.

Supposedly after the carnage was done, there were bikes hanging in the trees.

NOTE: Cinema buffs can check out the climb on this hill in the action-adventure spoof of local television weather forecasting called ‘Twister’. The point in the movie where some nimrod decides to launch ping-pong balls into the center of a F-3 tornado is filmed on the hill. (They did a great job cleaning up a few days later, but that is another story.)

Aside from legends, I was able to glean some stories from survivors of crashes. Enjoy!

Steve Lauber
Category 3
Iowa State University Cycling Team

The Crash:

Rock Island 2001: The early speed of the race surprised me and after about 10 laps I noticed the number of racers behind me was dwindling to nearly none. About the same time I found some legs and brilliantly concluded I should move up. The easiest way seemed to be to take the fast outside line on corners where the inside would slow a little. This seemed to be working as I then made up about 40 places in a couple laps.

Then on corner #8, the narrow one, someone moved out as I was coming past. I don't remember much after that except that the fencing they string around the whole course there didn't hurt nearly as much as I thought it would.

I think I grabbed a handful of rear brake and played human skin crayon into the fence. Then of course I was run over a few times. By the time the last guy plowed into us and took a header over the mess I was standing and ready to catch him.

My bike was broken and I was the only one to not take a free lap and continue. I picked up the course and got my wounds cleaned up.

That was a long drive home as my worst wounds were on my seat.

Lane Anderson
DMOS/Mortgage Solutions Racing Team

I don't crash because of my force field

How would I handle a crash: I would quit racing.

Eric Lambi
Category: 3
DMOS/Mortgage Solutions Racing Team

The Crash:
I crash all the time because dumb f*ckers like Lane think they have a forcefield around them (and ride like it).

How would I handle a crash: Milk it for as many free laps as possible.


Andy ‘A-Corn’ Cornelison Interview 3/18/04

Q: Andy, I have to say that you've amazed us again in 2003. After winning a national title in 2002, you came out swinging in 2003 with some great performances in Iowa City as a Cat4 and Superweek as a Cat3. What is up your sleeve for 2004?

A: Well I have alot of goals this season. Of course I'll be there again for Nationals in Utah and I'd like to win another title. Superweek is another priority. I'd like to do at least one week of it and maybe win a couple races up there.

Q: You've got a great support network and a relaxed attitude towards cycling. What are your other interests and hobbies?

A: After last season, I played my first year of high school football. It was alot of fun and I didn't even touch my bike from September to November. Sometimes in the Summer, my friends and I go fishing. I think taking breaks from your main sport is very important; it's really easy to get burned out.

Q: What is your favorite discipline in bicycle racing and why?

A: Probably climbing. I'm no Lance Armstrong but there's something about a long hard climb, especially in the rain, that just feels good.

Q: What is your advice to someone who wants to get started in racing?

A: Don't drop everything else that you love to do just to race bikes. Sure, you have to make some sacrifices in your time for training, but don't start too fast. It's easy to get burned out.

Name: Andy Cornelison
Hometown: Carlisle, Iowa
Age: 15
Job Status: student
Family Status: Just a kid!

1. Current Bike/Components: titanium with Ultegra
2. Dream Bike/Components: Giant with Record
3. Bike Racing Team: Iowa State University Cycling
4. Fave Race: Snake Alley Crit
5. Fave Training Ride: Somewhere around Kerrville, Texas
6. How I got into cycling: My dad raced and I thought it would be fun so I gave it a shot.
7. Recent Accomplishments: 1st at Old Capitol Crit, 1st at a Superweek Circuit Race
8. Do you use a coach: Nope
9: 2004 goals: win at nationals, do well at Superweek, maybe Snake Alley
10. Long term goals: Just live a happy life!
11. What is the condition of USA Cycling: I think the domestic pros should get a little more recognition for what they are doing. I can almost guarantee these guys are working alot harder than a Nascar driver. 12. What is the condition of Iowa bike racing: I think it is doing really well. We have some big races like the Memorial Day Weekend Races and Iowa City. Plus, there are plenty of smaller races to prepare for the big ones.
13. Favorite part about training and racing in Iowa: The roads vary. You can ride hills or flats.
14. What could be improved: I wish there were more racers and a few more teams.
15. Hobbies: Fishing and other things in outdoors.
16. Something that you may not know about me: I love to try different foods. Sometimes I might cook something and just add my own spices.
17. Parting Shot: Just go ride your bike!


Random Notes

Do bike racers grow on trees: 110 racers at Kent Park for beer & pies… nearly 250 racer entries at Altoona and Waterworks Park… no wonder Lane looked ten years older after the weekend was over.

Secret Miles Continued: Well, Colorado definitely did something for the crew. After twenty-five hours in the mountains and mixing it up with the ‘Boulder Millionaires’, they came back home and opened up a can of whoop-@ss on the rest of us nine-to-fivers. At Altoona, Josh ‘Nacho’ Tack nailed a strong third place and Lee ‘Socks’ Venteicher did the same at Water Works Park. Why is that so cool? They took a leap of faith over the edge with the Health-Net duo of Jason ‘J-Mac’ McCartney and John ‘It is spelled WIN’ Lieswyn.

My forcefield isn’t quite working: ICCC-Specialized rider ‘Angry’ John Olney took a mighty biff before the Pro-1-2-3 event at Water Works Park. After being alerted that no one was watching, he was alerted to the fact that the DMOS/Mortgage Solutions was having a new racer clinic later in the day.

EPO, please: Okay, after reading about my namesake, Pantani, I decided to get my hematocrit tested. 38… pass the EPO, please.


Races on deck:

VEISHEA Mountain Bike: Saturday, April 10
Finchford Roubaix: Sunday, April 18

Keep training, see you at the races!


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