
  • FORC
  • Posted Nov 28, 2018

Our friends FORC (Friends of Off Road Cycling) posted these Winter Trail Use Tips

Friends of Off Road Cycling's Winter Trail Use Tips

FORC reminds us to be aware of the damage you can do to the trails as the Freeze/Thaw conditions change daily.
  • What are freeze thaw cycles and how do they affect dirt trails?
  • Why are ruts bad for trails?
  • Do freeze thaw closure conditions ONLY apply to bikes?
  • Is it OK to ride fat bikes in freeze/thaw conditions?
  • If there is snow on the ground is OK to ride/hike?
  • Tips for riding during the winter months
  • Other options to stay active during the winter

FORC - Prevent Trail Rut

Quad Cities Area Trail Overview

FORC maintains 9 trails with over 40 miles of singe-track trails. They have a great "Local Trail Conditions" section to to show the status of each trail.

About FORC

FORC is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity with the goal of expanding mountain biking opportunities in the Quad Cities area through education, advocacy, stewardship, and community building. We meet these goals by: partnering with local land management agencies to to build new off-road trail systems, providing skilled volunteers to construct and maintain sustainable off-road trails, hosting MTB related educational events, and organizing activities to grow the local mountain biking community.

FORC's History

The QC Friends of Off-Road Cycling was started in March of 1997 with the goal of creating MTB riding opportunities in the Quad Cities area. The first trails FORC adopted were at Loud Thunder Forest Preserve near Andalusia, IL. Soon to follow was Sylvan Island Park in Moline, IL, Sunderbruch Park in Davenport, IA, Scott County Park - Park View, IA, Illiniwek Forest Preserve - Hampton, IL, Westbrook Park in DeWitt, IA, and now Dorrance Park in Port Byron, IL and Praire Park in Geneseo, IL. In total we have built +40 miles of natural surface singletrack trail at QC area parks tailored to mountain biking use. These trails are also enjoyed year round by hikers, trail runners, dog walkers, snowshoers, cross country skiers, and other human powered activities. Each year FORC contributes +1000 hours of volunteer labor to local parks for trail improvements and maintenance which is valued at over $22,000.




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